Chapter Reference Two


     Chapter 2: References

Chilowa. W. & E.W. Chirwa 1997. The Impacts of SAPs on Asocial and Human Development in Malawi in Sustainable Social and Human Development in Malawi: Towards Poverty Alleviation? Bwalo Issue 1. 1997. Centre for Social Research. University of Malawi. Zomba

CLUS. 1997. Summary of Main Findings of Customary hand Utilisation Study (CLUS) presented at Workshop in November 1997. Lilongwe

CODA and Partners. 1994. Agriculture sector Study: Draft Final Report. Vol I & II. The Netherlands.

FEWS, 1996. Vulnerability and Assessment Mapping. A Quest for Causality. WFP. Ministry of Economic Planning and development.

MoALD. (1995). The Agricultural and Livestock Development Strategy and Acton Plan. Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development.

GOM/UNDP. 1993. Situation Analysis of Poverty in Malawi.

IFAD. (1995). Malawi Smallholder Irrigation Programme: Inception Paper, Vol. I. Main Report and Annexes.

IUCN/UNEP/WWF. 1991. Caring for the Earth - A Strategy for Sustainable Living, Gland, Switzerland.

Machinjili, Charles & K. Saukila, 1997. Measuring Human Development in Malawi in Sustainable Social and Human Development in Malawi: Towards Poverty Alleviahon? Bwalo Issue 1. 1997, Centre for Social Research, University of Malawi, Zomba.

Mkandawire, R.M., Jaffe. S. and Bertoli, S. 1990. Beyond Dualism: The Changing Face of the Leasehold Estate Subsector in Malawi. 

NEAP 1994. National Environmental Action Plan, Environmental Affairs Department, Lilongwe.

Ng'ong'ola, D.H.. 1992. Case Studies of Efficiency of Agricultural Estates in Malawi. 

PMU 1996. Indicators of Poverty and Living Conditions (1990-95). Malawi Poverty Monitoring Unit, Ministry of Economic Planning and Development, Lilongwe.

UNDP 1997. Poverty and Human Development in Malawi. Human Development Report 1997. Profile prepared by Håkan Björkman, UNDP. Lilongwe.

World Bank 1995. Malawi Human Resources Poverty. Washington DC. 


Maps | Figures | Tables | Boxes | References