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Malawi SDNP offers a flexible range of installation options and quotations, including prepaid and postpaid services, on dila-up, wireless, leased line and VSAT connections. Once a registration form has been submitted, users are encouraged to install the required programs on their computures themselves. This is easy and straight forward on windows platforms. Full instructions on how to make client  installations are available from SDNP either on the Web site, in printed form or brief summary by telephone. Self installation carries no charge.  

On the request of a subscriber, SDNP staff can make an installation on site at a fee. During the SDNP programme phase, SDNP will subsidize the total installation charge by 50%. Subscriber will pay a fixed charge of US$30 for each installation made by SDNP during this phase. Such an installation including training is expected to take less than 2 hours. The programme phase ends on 31 December 2000.

Additional prepaid and other postpaid services are also available.SDNP will charge a fixed US$40 for each requested maintenance visit after installation  


All the services offered by SDNP and listed in here are available from the SDNP national Internet hub which can be reached by dial-in access in Blantyre Lilongwe and Mzuzu on the telephone numbers 01874900, 01752900 and (01) 331900 respectively. Each of these telephone numbers provides a hunting access which allows the automatic choice of one of multiple lines. If you have problems getting through to the hunting number, access may also attempted through the individual numbers made available after subscription. 


Malawi SDNP is establishing dial-in access through its regional Internet nodes already available now in Blantyre, Lilongwe and Mzuzu. Technical support is now also available on these regional nodes a help desk can be reached on 01874979, 01756645 and (01)331673. 

Accessing the network through nearby regional node will enable users to reduce their telephone bills through shorter distance telephone connections and hopefully increase the quality of telephone and data connection 

 SDNP Subscription Form:
            Click prepaid or postpaid to get a formatted pdf form then print, fully complete and
             send to address below. As a guide, you will need the following details to subscribe:
Company name
Physical Location
Postal address  
Phone Number
Fax Number
Choose Payment Method:
Postpaid [    ]       Prepaid [    ]Months
Bill To:

Full Internet Access  
E-mail only Access  
Other, e.g. wireless, leased ...: Attach details   Click here to register a domain

E-mail address will be 
Username consists of alphabetic characters and numbers 
Punctuation marks are NOT allowed in username 

PASSWORD CHOICE (change after installation) 

Suggested Installation Method (tick) and Date 
Method Self SDNP Other (specify)
Requested Installation Date:

Send form to:
SDNP Coordinator, P.O. Box 31762, Blantyre 3, MALAWI 
Fax: +265-(0)1-873944 Tel: +265-(0)1-874979

A signed form is required for subscription.
Postpaid: No up front payment required, bills sent at the end of the month, account actived within 24 working hours.
Prepaid: An invoice will be sent on receipt of a prepaid subscription form. Account becomes active within 24 working hours after payment of the prepaid rate is received.

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