MALAWI:   NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS BILL, 2000                                                     MALAWI SDNP

Malawi NGO List

July 2000
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Organisation Name P.O. Box City Sector
Action Aid Box 30735 Lilongwe 3 Agric/Fd&Ntrtn/CCB/
Active Youth Initiative for Social Enhancement Box 90588 Blantyre 9 HR/Advoc/HIV/AIDS/Env/Con
Active Youth Organisation P/Bag 405 Blantyre 3 HR/Advoc
ADRA Box 951 Blantyre Agric/Fd&Ntrtn/Heal/HIV/AIDS
African Evangelistic Enterprise Ministries Box 30332 Lilongwe 3 Advoc/Lobby/Health
Africare Box 2346 Lilongwe 3 Agric/Fd&Ntrtn
AFUWO P/Bag 162 Blantyre SME/W&Gdr
Aged Support Society of Malawi Box 30073 Lilongwe 3 Advoc/Lobby
Aged Welfare & Development Association Box 30603 Lilongwe 3 Advo/Env/HR/SME
Anglican Diocese of Lake Malawi Box 30349 Lilongwe 3 Edu/Health
Anglican Diocese of Southern Malawi P/Bag 1 Chilema Heal/Educ/Rlf
Art of Africa Trust P/Bag 70 Blantyre SME
Association of Pre-School Playgroups Box 5990 Limbe Educ
Association of Progressive Women Box 30559 Blantyre 3 W&Gdr/Advoc/Lobby
Association of Promotion of Women in Politics P/Bag 526 Limbe Advoc/Lobby
Association of Street Orphans Rights Box 5375 Limbe HR/Orphan care
Banja La Mtsogolo Box 3008 Blantyre Heal/HIV/AIDS/Pop
Baptist Convention in Malawi Box 30122 Blantyre Heal/Agric/Fd&Ntrtn
Beekeepers Association of Malawi Box 569 Mzuzu SME
Bible Society of Malawi Box 740 Blantyre Advoc/Lobby
CADECOM Malawi, C/O Episcopal Conference of Mw. Box 30384 Lilongwe 3 Rlf
Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief (CPAR) Box 30998 Lilongwe 3 Heal/Env
CCAP Blantyre Synod Box 413 Blantyre Agric/Fd&Ntrtn/Educ/Rlf/HR
CCAP Nkhoma Synod Box 51 Nkhoma Agrc/Fd&Ntrtn
CCAP Synod - Livingstonia - Development and Relief Box 27 Ekwendeni Agri/Fd&Ntrtn/W&S/SME
Centre for Alternatives Box 2793 Blantyre HR/Lobby
Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation Box 2340 Lilongwe HR
Centre for Youth & Children Affairs Box 30861 Lilongwe 3 HR
Centre for Youth Empowerment and Civic Education P/ Bag 349 Lilongwe 3 Advoc/Lobby
Centro Di Educacione Sanitaria E Technologie Appro Box 2096 Lilongwe Heal/Educ
Cheshire Homes Box 1530 Blantyre Edu/Rehabilitation
Chilana Foundation Box 2235 Blantyre Educ/Con/
Children's Welfare Association Box 90269 Blantyre HR/Advoc
Chitukuko Cha Amayi M'Malawi Box 2825 Blantyre Heal/Rlf/W&Gdr
Chretiens Sans Frontiers P.Bag 6 Nkhata Bay Heal/Educ/Agric/Advoc
Christian Children's Fund UK Box 20272 Mzuzu 2 Heal/Educ
Christian Health Association of Malawi Box 30378 Lilongwe 3 Heal
Christian Service Committee Box 51294 Limbe CCB/Agric/Fd&Ntrtn/Heal/W&S
Church Aid and Relif Development (CARD) Box 2733 Blantyre Rlf
Civil Liberties Committee Box 2553 Blantyre HR
Community Advancement and Reconstruction Box 2540 Blantyre CCB
Concern Universal Box 1535 Blantyre Heal/Env/Agric
CONGOMA Box 480 Blantyre Advoc/Lobby
Consumer's Association of Malawi P.Bag 6 Blantyre 8 Advoc/Lobby
Creative Centre for Community Mobilisation-CRECCOM Box524 Zomba Educ
CURE Box 2916 Blantyre Env/Advoc
Danish Centre for Human Rights Box 891 Lilongwe, Area 9 HR
DAPP P/Bag 342 Chichiri, Blantyre 3 SME/HIV/AIDS/Educ/Heal
DIPAM Box 2862 Blantyre Advoc
Direct Aid Society Box 60614 Ndirande, Blantyre Health/HIV/AIDS
Disabled Women in Development Box 102 Blantyre Advoc/Lobby
Dowa Village Polytechnic Box 126 Dowa Educ/SME
Ebenezer Ministries Incorp. Box 30460 Lilongwe 3 Educ/Con/
Ecumenical Church Loan Fund Box 1897 Blantyre SME
EDETA Box 2683 Blantyre SME/Env/Agric
Edzi Kumudzi Association of Malawi C/o P/Bag B-377 Lilongwe 3 HIV/AIDS
Elderly People's Association Box 5394 Limbe HIV/AIDS/HR
Evangelical Baptist Church Box 121 Liwonde Rlf
Evangelical Lutheran Development Programme Box 2467 Blantyre Agric/Env/Educ/W&S
Eye of the Child Box 3066 Blantyre HR/Advoc
Family Health Project Centre Box 2896 Blantyre Health
Family Planning Association of Malawi P/Bag B424 Lilongwe 3 Health
FAWEMA P/Bag 386 Blantyre Educ/Advoc
FINCA Box 382 Blantyre 3 SME
Foundation for Improvement of Animal Health Box 611 Mzuzu Heal/Agric/Fd&Ntrtn
Friends of AIDS Support Trust Box 81 Marka, Nsanje Con/HIV/AIDS/Educ
Friends of Orphans Community Caring Centre Box 5644 Limbe HIV/AIDS/Con/Educ
Greenline Movement Box 16 Machinga Env
Habitat for Humanity Box 2436 Blantyre Heal/CCB/Env
Harry Foundation for Development Box 837 Blantyre Educ/Heal/Rlf
Helpmates in the Ministry Box 5671 Limbe Educ/Fd&Ntrtn
Herbalist Association of Malawi Box 67 Karonga Heal
Home Based Health Care Services in Malawi P/Bag 218 Blantyre Heal/Educ
Hope Foundation School for the Orphans C/o P/Bag 1 Balaka Orphan Care
Human Rights Artists Club P.O. Box 734 Zomba HR
Inter-Denominational Spiritual Choir Association C/o Box 401 Blantyre
International Eye Foundation Box 2273 Blantyre Heal
International Traditional Medicines Council of Mal Box 713 Blantyre Heal/HIV/AIDS
Islamic Zakaat Fund Box 51516 Limbe Educ
Kapinga PLA Network c/o Box 30490 Blantyre 3 Dev/Advoc
Kaporo Foundation for Rural Development Box 328 Karonga Agric/Fd&Ntrtn
Lilongwe Islamic Movement Box 30197 Lilongwe Advoc/Lobby
Lilongwe Urban Business Organisation Box 1169 Lilongwe SME
Lipangwe Organic Demonstration Farm Box 26 Matale, Ntcheu Agric
Mabulabo Voluntary Transformation Initiatives Box 54 Mabulabo, Mzimba Agric/Heal/CCB
Malawi AIDS Counselling and Resource Box51917 Limbe HIV/AIDS/Con/Educ
Malawi Assoc. of Spices & Herbs Box 51724 Limbe Agric/Fd&Ntrtn
Malawi CARER Box 30479 Blantyre 3 HR/Advoc/Lobby/Educ
Malawi Fresh Water Project Box 126 Chileka W&S
Malawi Red Cross Society Box 30096 Lilongwe Rlf
Malawi Schools Parents Association (MASPA) Box 976 Zomba Edu/HR
Maphuwziro Found. for Youth Empowerment P/Bag 27 Balaka Educ/Advoc
Maranatha Ministries Box 1724 Blantyre Rlf/Con
Mchirawengo Poor People Irrigation Devlop. Org. Box 68 Luwelezi Agric
Medicins Sans Frontiers - France Box 2736 Blantyre Heal
Medicins Sans Frontiers - Luxembourg Box 30353 Blantyre 3 Heal/HIV/AIDS/W&S/Fd&Ntrtn
Medium Enterprise Development and Training Box 2079 Blantyre SME
METDEV International Box 1976 Blantyre CCB/Educ
MIDEA Box 30465 Lilongwe 3 HR
Mineral &Approp Tech. Applicable in Mlw -MATAMA P/Bag 417 Blantyre 3 Env/Advoc/Educ
Mission Kwasizabanthu Box 1759 Blantyre Agric/Fd&Ntrtn/Advoc
Mother Care Private Maternity Home Box 5787 Limbe Heal
Multi-Career Business College Education Trust P/Bag 38 Mzuzu Educ/
Muslim Association of Malawi Box 497 Blantyre Educ
Mzimba South Development Box 222 Rumphi Agric
Mzuzu Artisan College Box 216 Mzuzu Edu
National Association of Business Women P.Bag 56 Blantyre SME/W&Gdr
National Association of Small and Medium Enterpris Box 118 Mzuzu SME
National Association of Small and Medium Enterpris Box 30083 Blantyre 3 SME
National Women's Lobby P.Bag 531 Limbe Advoc/Lobby
Nazarene Vocational School Box 5566 Limbe Educ
Nkhomano Centre for Development Box 5898 Limbe Development
Organisation for Democratic Process (ODEP) Box 60026 Blantyre HR
Orphan Care and Social Rehabilitation Box 30200 Lilongwe 3 Hiv/aids/Educ/Con
OXFAM UK & I P.Bag 213 Blantyre CCB
Paper Making Education Trust Box 1015 Blantyre Educ/SME/CCB
Paprika Association of Malawi P/ Bag 365 Lilongwe 3 Agric
Peace in God Organisation P/Bag 6 Soche, BT4 Edu/HIV/AIDS
People United to Save Humanity from HIV/AIDS Box 32 Kampepuza HIV/AIDS/Con
Phoka Development Box 21 Zomba
Photograhers Association of Malawi (PHOTAMA) Box 3051 Blantyre Photography/HR
Phwezi Foundation for Education, Training & Dev. Box 222 Rumphi Educ
PLAN International Malawi Box 2053 Lilongwe Env/Agric/Fd&Ntrtn/Heal
POET Box 292 Blantyre Training
Population Services International Box 529 Blantyre Pop/Heal
Project Cultural Arts and Music Box 90 Blantyre Art
Project Hope P.Bag 588 Limbe Heal/HIV/AIDS
Rumphi East Development Foundation Box 30664 Blantyre 3 Agric/Env
Rural Educ. Support Rehabilitation Unit Box 60610 BT6 Edu
Rural Foundation for Afforestation Box 890 Mzuzu Env/Advoc
Sacramentine Sisters of Bergamoni in Malawi
Salvation Army Box 51140 Limbe Edu/HIV/AIDS/Orphan Care
Save the Children Federation USA Box 30374 Lilongwe 3 Educ/Heal/Agric
Save the Children Fund of Malawi / Thandizani Ana Box 30010 Blantyre 3 Educ/Advoc
Save the Children Fund UK Box 30335 Lilongwe 3 W&S/Heal/CCB
Scripture Union of Malawi Box 30255 Lilongwe 3 HIV/AIDS/Heal
Self Help Development International P/Bag 259 Blantyre Env/Agric/Fd&Ntrtn/SME
Soche Business Women Association Box 62 Blantyre 4 SME
Society for the Advancement of Women Box 1207 Lilongwe Advoc/W&Gdr
SOS Childrens Village Box 2359 Lilongwe Educ
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahai's in Malawi Box 5849 Limbe CCB/Educ
St. David Foundation for Rural Development Box 90362 Blantyre 9 Agric/Fd&Ntrtn/SME
St. John's Ambulance Box 51243 Limbe Heal/Rlf
Students & Parents Councelling Ministry-SAPACOM Box 90634 Bangwe BT 9 Con/HIV/AIDS/Educ
Sub-Saharan Africa Family Enrichment P.Bag 10 Zomba Educ/HIV/AIDS/Con
Sue Ryder Foundation Box 135 Balaka Heal/Educ/SME
TAKAO Box 1338 Blantyre Rlf/SMEAgric/Fd&Ntrtn
The Development Centre Box30112 Lilongwe 3 Capacity Building
The International Mission Project Box 51456 Limbe Educ/Heal/Gospel/Orphanage
The Samaritan Box 2835 Blantyre Env/Educ
The Story workshop P/Bag 266 Blantyre Educ/Advoc
The Word of God Ministries Interfnational Box 30133 Blantyre 3 Educ/Advoc/Heal
The Young Women Christian's Association Box 287 Blantyre Heal/W&Gdr
Tiyende Women in Development Box 431 Balaka W&Gdr/Agric
Unikani Christian Women Crafts Produce Association Box 5953 Limbe SME/W&Gdr
Unity Association for the Aged & Orphans Box 90588 Bangwe, BT 9 SME/Fd&Ntrtn/Educ
US Peace Corps Malawi Box 208 Lilongwe Health/HIV-AIDS
Village Enterprise Zone Assoc. Boz 166 Dowa SME/Agric
Voluntary Service Overseas Box 608 Lilongwe 2 Env/Agric/Fd&Ntrtn
Walutundu Development Organisation Box 20369 Mzuzu 2 Agric
Wildlife Action Group Box 1971 Lilongwe Env
Wildlife Producers and Hunters Association Box 40231 Lilongwe 4 Env
Wildlife & Environmental Society of Malawi P/Bag 578 Limbe Env
Wildlife Society of Malawi Box 1429 Blantyre Env
Women's Federation for World Peace Box 5697 Limbe Advoc/Lobby
Women's Voice / Lui la Amayi Box 30479 Blantyre 3 W&Gdr/Advoc
Women's World Banking Box 1868 Blantyre SME/W&Gdr
World Assembly of Muslim Youth Box 503/593 Zomba Edu/HIV-AIDS
World Relief International P/Bag A133 Lilongwe HIV/AIDS/Rlf/Dev.
World University Service of Canada Box 30268 Lilongwe 3 Env/Educ/Heal
World Vision International Box 2050 Blantyre Heal/Educ/W&S/
Youth Aid and Trust International Box 550 Blantyre CCB
Youth Arm Organisation Box 8 Blantyre 4 Env/HIV/AIDS/HR
Youth Net & Counselling Box 471 Zomba HIV/AIDS/ Civic Education
Zipatso Association of Malawi Box 258 Mwanza Agric/Fd&Ntrtn
Last Updated on 12-Jan-01
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