Fourth Year Course Outlines

Law 410 Civil Procedure  
The aim of the course is to give students a thorough knowledge of the rule of civil procedure applicable in the subordinate courts, the High Court, and the Supreme Court of Appeal. Students are required to deal with every aspect of the suit, from interview with the client through to execution of judgment and appeal.
4 hours lectures per week

Law 420 Criminal Procedure
The course is intended to give a thorough practical knowledge of the law relating to criminal procedure in Malawi, including the structure of the courts having criminal jurisdiction, pre-trial process, the charge, trial procedure, sentences and their execution,
and appeal.
4 hours lectures per week

Law 430 Evidence, Advocacy, and Ethics
The course is intended to cover all aspects of the law relating to evidence in Malawi, including the functions of judge and counsel, judicial notice, relevancy, admissibility of evidence, corroboration and the burden and standard of proof. The course also deals with advocacy and its role in court, and the rules of ethics regulating the relationship of the legal practitioner to his client, to the court and to his colleagues in the profession.
4 hours lectures per week

Law 440 Accounts and Taxation
The purpose of the course is to give students a practical knowledge of how to keep the most important books of accounts required for the running of a law office, how to read and understand the accounts of business organisations, and how to deal with the estate of deceased persons. The course also covers the law relating to taxation of natural and
legal persons.
3 hours lectures per week

Law 450 Drafting
This is practical course in the techniques and practice used in the drafting of legal documents. The course embraces the drafting of the most common documents which a legal practitioner will be required to draft, including conveyances, leases, mortgages
and transfers, employment contracts, patent and trade mark applications, contract of sale and hire purchase, powers of attorney and charitable trusts.
6 hours lectures per week

Law 460 Extended Essay