




1. Management review of the Ministry of Justice (funded by the GoM/EU Rule of Law Programme) Ongoing Consultants: Delloitte and Touche, Lilongwe

Objective of the review

To design an appropriate and effective organizational, institutional and operational structure of the Ministry with respect to its mandate and capacity to deliver legal services in order to promote and strengthen the rule of law, good governance and justice.


2. Workshop on Administrative Law and Procedure for Principal Secretaries (funded by the GoM/EU Rule of Law Programme): Held in December, 2000.

Objective of workshop

To increase and strengthen the awareness of Principal Secretaries of principles of administrative law which are critical to the decision-making process in Government.  Professor Christopher Forsyth, Assistant Director of the Centre for Public Law at the University of Cambridge assisted the Solicitor General to facilitate the workshop. The workshop was opened by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Honourable Peter H. Fachi, S.C., and was  chaired by the Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Mr Alfred A. Upindi. Due to its success and the need to continuously  keep senior Government officials abreast with administrative law and procedures, the Secretary to the President  and Cabinet directed that the workshop on administrative law and procedure should be held on an annual basis immediately before or after the annual workshop for Principal Secretaries organized by the Office of the President and Cabinet. The next  workshop will, therefore, be held in December, 2001. In the meantime, the Comptroller of Statutory Corporations is considering asking the Ministry of Justice  to hold a similar workshop for Chief Executives of Statutory Corporations. 


3. Workshop on Gender and the Law (funded by the GoM/EU Rule of Law Programme) Tentatively to held in December, 2001.

Objective of Workshop

To increase and strengthen the awareness of senior Government officials of gender and the law.


4. Workshop on the media and the law for news editors (funded by the GoM/EU Rule of Law Progrmme) : Tentatively to held in  December, 2001.

Objective of workshop

To expose media practitioners to general principles of media law


5. Refresher course for paralegal officers (funded by the GoM/EU Rule of Law Programme) : Held in January to February, 2001

Objective of workshop

To review subjects taught in the first paralegal officers’ course held in 1999-2000 under the auspices of the GoM/EU Funded Rule of Law Programme.


6. Law Clerks course (funded by the GoM/EU Rule of Law Programme: Dates not yet fixed but in 2001 or 2002

Objective of workshop

To orient law clerks in the Government to developments in the law.  A few places on the course will be offered to the law clerks working in private firms.


7. Computerization of the Laws of Malawi on CD-ROM: funded by the GoM/EU Rule of Law Programme : Ongoing


To facilitate the production, revision and accessibility of the Laws of Malawi and  reduce incidental costs.


Copyright © 2001 
Ministry of Justice & Constitutional Affaires
Private Bag 333, Capital Hill
Lilongwe 3
Tel: (265) 788 411
Fax: (265) 788 332
