UN Gender Policy Statement - Malawi
Malawi SDNP
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For agencies to effectively implement the elements of the UN Joint Gender Policy Statement and attain the stipulated goals and objectives the following strategies shall be adopted:-

  1. Institutionalise coordination by establishing a coordination unit to work with the gender working group to       respond to government requests more effectively.
  2. Develop and implement an internal UN agencies' institutional strengthening programme to build capacity for enhancing gender sensitivity and responsiveness of UN agencies internal gender concerns.
  3. Explore and develop mechanisms for providing joint support for capacity building of a national institutional framework to enhance coordination and assist in building technical capacity of partner institutions to achieve an overall effective integration of a gender perspective in national development initiatives.
  4. Develop monitoring and evaluation guidelines for carrying, out joint assessments of the gender perspective of all UN agencies. These shall cover operational strategies, verifiable indicators, outputs, follow-up actions and responsible agencies for implementing specific strategies.
  5. Develop information materials to all UN agencies for resource mobilisation to ensure cost-sharing for the implementation of the three year UN Joint Gender Programme.
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