Priorities of DAGG: 
Development Assistance Group on Gender
Malawi SDNP
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In order to achieve its objectives, the DAGG will address priority issues under thematic areas, pertaining to gender as illustrated below:-
1.     Women's Human Rights
  1. Violence Against Women and the Girl Child
  2. Awareness of Women's Rights for Politicians
  3. Working Women's Rights
  4. Ombudswork for Women 
2.     The Girl-Child
  1. Promoting the Education of the Girl Child
  2. Support Systems for the Girl Child
3.     Women's Economic and Social Empowerment
  1. Economic Empowerment for Women at GrassrootsLevel (Urban and Rural)
  2. The Advancement of Rural Women
  3. Economic Activities
  4. Cultural Consideration
4.     Reproductive Health
  1. HIV/Aids and Women
  2. Reproductive Health (Male Involvement)
  3. Nutrition
  4. Food for Work
  5. Safety Nets
  6. Safe Motherhood
5.     Decision Making/Governance
  1. Participation of Women in Decentralisation
  2. Linking Vulnerable Groups (Women) to Centralised Planning Systems
  3. Women Political Participation During Elections
  4. Promoting Participation of Women in Decision-Making
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